Doctor, specialist in plastic surgery, graduated by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in 1991.
She has been a specialist in General Surgery and Plastic Surgery since 1996 and has visited several services around the world in order to keep up to date and try to offer patients the best and safest treatment alternatives.
Her passion for the specialty kept her linked to the University. She concluded Master in Medicine, Surgery concentration area, in 2011.
Working in reference centers, Dr. Rosa Blotta aims to offer modern treatments, with safety and comfort, thus meeting the needs of each patient within their individuality.
// Master in Surgery from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
// Specialist in Plastic Surgery
// Researcher at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
// Titular Member of the Plastic Surgery Brazilian Society
// Member of the Board of Directors of the Plastic Surgery Brazilian Society – South Region in 2008/2009 management
// Surgeon distinguished by the Solidarity Program of the Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic Surgery, in 2009
// Member of the Clinical Staff of Moinhos de Vento Hospital – Porto Alegre, RS
// Preceptor of the fellowship program in advanced breast surgery at Moinhos de Vento hospital.
Titular member
Type I and III collagens of the linea alba in women with rectus abdominis diastasis.
Author: Blotta, Rosa Maria
Advisor: Trindade, Manoel Roberto Maciel
Date: 2011
Degree: Master
Asymmetries of the Breast Book
The daily exercise of examination and observation of each patient looking for the plastic surgeon seeks to identify delicate details of asymmetry of the human figure which, in most cases, only make each individual unique. In some cases, however, more pronounced changes can bring discomfort, insecurity and even social segregation. Patients who do not understand their asymmetries are not uncommon until these asymmetries are shown to them. The same should not happen to the surgeon, since recognizing them allows to decide on a better surgical approach, while neglecting them may culminate in an end result, where asymmetries, previously unobserved, become more evident.
This book, written by specialists in Plastic Surgery and Mastology, addresses the asymmetries of the breast in a complete and innovative way. The book also presents cases and rich illustrative photographic material.
Complete articles published in periodicals
- Laparoscopic treatment of Poland’s syndrome using the omentum flap technique
- Aesthetic Improvements in Poland’s Syndrome Treatment with Omentum Flap
- Adipocyte morphometric evaluation and angiogenesis in the omentum transposed to the breast: a preliminary study
- Higher content of trans fatty acids in abdominal visceral fat of morbidly obese individuals undergoing bariatric surgery compared to non-obese subjects
- Diagnóstico das Assimetrias Mamárias
- Protusão Abdominal: De quem é a culpa?